Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Response to other's Critiques- 2/23/2011

On Aymann Ismail's Blog

“I like this idea since a person's character and personality is created by views of others. Its interesting to see some of the sources of information and to see which ones you accept and which ones you omit. I think it would be cool if you had an autobiography, but also another screen showing the information you do not agree with. Since a personality is not only built upon a person's supporting views, but opposing views as well. The title "autobiography" in my opinion is a little straight forward, maybe something that explains the project and possibly its process. ”

On Bryan McGinn's Blog

“Your psychedelic patterns and designs are very interesting and original. What intrigues me the most are the hidden messages. They can be very verbally obscene, yet they are hidden, so the message becomes fluid with the pattern and design. The art is very consistent and I enjoy that you will be putting these designs on t-shirts, it would be the perfect application. One of my suggestions would maybe create a large print on the wall of one of your designs to attract gallery viewers to your area of gallery.”

On Kelly O'Leary’s Blog

“After further learning about Kelly's thesis project, I am very interested in finding out who the person she is following. She is sort of unsure how to present all this data, because there is so much, but ultimately as long as message is conveyed. I gave her the suggestion about maybe making a huge planner/schedule which plots out every movement and location in relation to time. She mentioned maybe making an installation which almost makes it seem like she was a detective, putting images and connecting strings. This seems like a great idea as well because it goes along with her theme of feeling exposed.”

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